NMHBA NM Builders Direct Marketing Opportunities

The NM Builders Direct magazine has continued the legacy of providing in-depth coverage of ongoing industry issues for decades. Published six times a year, NM Builders Direct is mailed to every member and posted in digital format on this website. Information on building codes, upcoming legislation and legislative initiatives, detailed explanations for infrastructure financing options, and how to ensure you’re not paying more GRT on your construction projects are just a few of the topics that have been reported in the magazine.

The NM Builders Direct contains up to sixteen (16) pages of valuable content related to the building and construction industry statewide. You will see that advertising in NM Builders Direct is an incredible value for reaching such a select, targeted, and responsive market. The deadline is the 20th of the previous month. Options to market your company are as follows:

¼ Quarter Page Ad $500
½ Half Page Ad $1,000
Full Page Ad $1,500
Stuffer (copies provided by the vendor) $1,000
*All packages above do not include gross receipts tax

Special Discount for Annual Contract Advertisements
If you sign an annual contract (6 issues) and pay the full amount within 15 days, you will receive the following discount:
¼ Quarter Page Ad $400 per issue ($2,400)
½ Half Page Ad $800 per issue ($4,800)
Full Page Ad $1,300 per issue ($7,800)
*All packages above do not include gross receipts tax