Special thanks to Representative Gail Armstrong for sponsoring a memorial declaring February 18, 2025, “NEW MEXICO HOME BUILDERS , 2025 ASSOCIATION DAY” in the House of Representatives in recognition of the New Mexico Home Builders Association’s long service and dedication to fostering a vibrant and stable housing industry.

Read the Memorial here.

Building Futures in New Mexico

New Mexico Home Builders Association (NMHBA) is a 1,900+ member trade association that was chartered with the National Association of Home Builders in 1959 to improve conditions in the construction industry, thereby providing the citizens of New Mexico with safe, quality housing.

Home ownership is the cornerstone of family security, stability and prosperity. It strengthens our communities, encourages civic responsibility and provides a solid foundation from which New Mexicans can work to support their families, enhance their communities and achieve their personal goals.

The value of housing and home ownership to New Mexico and its people just cannot be overstated.


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The NM Builders Direct magazine continues the legacy of the Housing Journal that has published for the past 50 years educational and in-depth coverage of ongoing industry issues. Published six times a year, Builder Direct is mailed to every member and posted in digital format on this website. Information on building codes, upcoming legislation and legislative initiatives, detailed explanations if infrastructure financing options, and how to ensure you’re not paying more GRT on your construction projects are just a few of the topics that have been reported in the magazine.

The NM Builders Flash e-mails are intended to provide late-breaking news that members can use to jump on opportunities for their businesses, or to participate in discussions with regulatory agencies that members can contribute stories from the field to shape regulations that affect all contractors. You never know when one of the Flash articles can result in saving you money!


Membership begins at the local level and automatically includes membership in the HBA Association for your area, membership in the New Mexico Home Builders Association (NMHBA) at the state level, and membership at the national level in the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). This 3-in-1 membership is known collectively as the NAHB Federation. Together, the Federation works to enhance the building and construction industry and supports quality attainable housing to our communities, at the Local, State, and National levels. Three levels of advocacy, working together to promote, educate, and be a resource for your business!

As a member of an HBA local, you will gain access to networking and marketing opportunities by connecting with industry leaders, professionals, and peers to grow your business and establish valuable relationships within your close community. Advocacy through the local association on your behalf at the city and county level helps to improve the business environment, construction practices, and building regulations by actively working to combat excessive local regulations that hinder business growth and efficiency.

New Mexico is home to nine local HBAs, offering you the flexibility to register with one or more associations across the state. Local membership qualifies you for state and national benefits, extending your reach and resources.

Sign up today! Contact your nearest local HBA to get started by clicking on the local HBA on this map. Join a community dedicated to building a better future for New Mexico’s home builders.

San Juan County HBA Santa Fe Area HBA HBA of Central NM Eastern NM HBA BCA of Otero County Lincoln County HBA Southwest NMHBA Las Cruces HBA Southeastern NMHBA